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The open-source framework for flexible data management.

Streamline your data management with Structures – the powerful framework for schema evolution and data manipulation.

Schema Evolution

Structures supports schema evolution, allowing developers to modify data schemas over time without requiring significant changes to their application code. This feature simplifies the process of managing complex data structures and enables developers to evolve their data models to meet changing business requirements.

Data Management

Structures provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools for managing data, including the ability to create, read, update, and delete data. This feature allows developers to easily manage complex data sets, and provides a flexible interface for data manipulation.

User-Friendly GUI and OpenAPI Interface

Structures provides a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for data management built with Continuum, as well as an OpenAPI interface for accessing data stored in the framework. This feature enables developers to easily interact with the data stored in Structures, and allows them to integrate Structures into their existing applications and workflows.

Released under the Apache License.